Saturday, March 12, 2016

sugar sky

you reached to pull the pink clouds down
and spun them into a
sugary mound
to balance on
a thin paper cone
and then present
to me

you told me to look up at the sky
and see how there’s sherbet
in the sunrise
you snuck a taste
of the creamy orange
and left the rest
for me

you wanted to bring me a sprinkling of stars
to see how sweet
the crystals are
but then you disappeared
into the dark
chocolate sky
and you never came back down

the clouds are thick like frosting today
but i don’t want a taste

Grave Digging

(wrote this on the garage roof a year or two ago) 

Dirt-caked knuckles
Earth-streaked palms
Bits of the planet under your nails
You dug the hole
With your bare hands
Scooping out fistfuls of
Crumbling soil
Scraping away at the
Rich brown sides
You formed your own little
Homemade crater
In the sunlit backyard
And when you thought it was deep enough
You slipped on your
Too-big gardening gloves
And lowered in
The corpse of the mouse
You’d found out by the fence
Matted fur
Tiny heart not working
Eyes shut against the world
You nestled him in
A bed of torn-up grass
A dandelion resting by his head
And you pushed the pile of dirt
Back over
Piled some stones
Bowed your head
And went to wash your hands

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Outside poem: Christmas Sparrow, Billy Collins

I know, it's nowhere near Christmas, but this is one of my favorite poems right now. I love Billy Collins' way with words, and the imagery in this is just gorgeous. 

Christmas Sparrow

The first thing I heard this morning
was a rapid flapping sound, soft, insistent—

wings against glass as it turned out
downstairs when I saw the small bird
rioting in the frame of a high window,
trying to hurl itself through
the enigma of glass into the spacious light.

Then a noise in the throat of the cat
who was hunkered on the rug
told me how the bird had gotten inside,
carried in the cold night
through the flap of a basement door,
and later released from the soft grip of teeth.

On a chair, I trapped its pulsations
in a shirt and got it to the door,
so weightless it seemed
to have vanished into the nest of cloth.

But outside, when I uncupped my hands,
it burst into its element,
dipping over the dormant garden
in a spasm of wingbeats
then disappeared over a row of tall hemlocks.

For the rest of the day,
I could feel its wild thrumming
against my palms as I wondered about
the hours it must have spent
pent in the shadows of that room,
hidden in the spiky branches
of our decorated tree, breathing there
among the metallic angels, ceramic apples, stars of yarn,
its eyes open, like mine as I lie in bed tonight
picturing this rare, lucky sparrow
tucked into a holly bush now,
a light snow tumbling through the windless dark. 

--Billy Collins

Saturday, March 5, 2016


You sent your thoughts sailing
Out your open bedroom window
Scribbled down
Folded into paper airplanes
Things no one else would
Listen to:
Fragmented lines of poetry
Comments on society
A description of the dream you had
At two o’clock that morning
You launched them
Out in the fragile air
And thought maybe if they flew
Far enough
They would find someone
Who cared

You wrote down your feelings
On the walls of buildings
Where everyone
Could see;
Rough concrete
Smooth white plaster
The scratched, shiny gloss
Of a bathroom stall
Scrawled high in spray-paint
On a plain brick wall
“Because I’m worth nothing”
In black marker
Lost among countless other words
You left evidence
Of you
Wherever you went
As if to prove to yourself
You hadn’t ceased to exist

You left your secrets
In library books
Folded into squares
To be tucked within the pages
You pretended you were writing
To a trustworthy friend
And you told them
Your fears
Your wishes
Your flaws
The contents of your heart
Laid bare
For an unwitting stranger to read
And you ended each note
With a hopeful “Write back”
Write back
Write back

You wrote in bright chalk
In the middle of the road

You just wanted someone to hear you


I used to run out into the rain with you
Thunder shaking the ground
Lightning illuminating our
Imperfect faces
We didn’t care about getting our clothes wet
Cracks of light split open the sky
Wind lashed at our hair
Rain streamed past our eyes
We raised our fists to heaven
And laughed
Like nothing would ever change

Even though you’re gone now
Still makes me feel

Morse Code Heart

My heart thumps out a message;
A message in Morse code.
It tries to say “I love you”
But to you I must seem cold

For when you come into the room,
I back against a wall:
And my heart keeps thumping messages
To nobody at all.

Unseen Colors

I think that you have butterfly eyes.
They don’t seem special;
They’re just a plain gray
But you see things that others can’t
You find splendor in things called plain
You love things that others reject.

You told me once that
Can see more colors
Than we can.
There are hues in this world
That we’ll never imagine,
Snatches of beauty
We never will grasp.
The world is made of them
They’re all around us
Invisible lovelies
As thick as the air

But we walk right by—
We never stop
We never realize
We stick to our own little rainbow paint charts
Never looking for unseen colors.

People always thought you were plain
Nothing impressive
Nothing important
But I know that you’re made of things
That others can’t even dream.
And maybe your eyes aren’t gray.
Could be they’re a color I just can’t see.

Imaginary Friends

You’ve held on longer than most.
Many have already said goodbye;
You seem to think it will last forever.
I only wish that it could.
But you know,
I’m going to have to tell you that
I’m nothing but a voice in your head.
And you need to know.
It’ll break your heart;
But it will break mine more.
I know
You won’t dance with me
Twirling around your cluttered room,
Your feet more graceful than mine;
I know
You won’t talk to me
Whispering all your little secrets,
Waking me up late
When you have a bad dream;
I know
You won’t think of me
Till I’m just a
Flicker of memory
Pushed to the back of your mind.
I’ll watch you letting go;
I’ll watch you moving on;
I’ll watch you growing up;
And I
Will fade
From existence.

I Can't Tell You a Thing about the Weather

At least not in the way people mean
I know things like
How the moon sounds brighter after it snows
Or how the clouds taste when the sky is pink
And how sunlight feels when it is cupped in your hand
But no one wants to hear about things like that
They want ordinary things
“It’s such a lovely day today, don’t you think?”
“This next snowstorm is supposed to be a big one”

They have never trailed their fingers through the sky
And felt the ebb and swirl of the blue
And they have never heard
The rain’s bright song
Or the wind’s long stories
Of everything it’s seen
And they have never tasted
The fresh picked stars
And felt the silver juice run down their chin

They just want to hear
“It’s been hotter today than it was yesterday”
“I hope it rains soon, the grass sure needs it”

I can’t tell you anything about that
But if you want to come up
And sit among the stars
I can take you with me
Just ask

Caterpillar Baby

The sun shines bright on the graveyard.
People shift
In their dark, dark clothes
Uncomfortable in the heat.
I stare at the
Tiny white casket
No larger
Than a shoebox.
A butterfly rests on the surface
Yellow wings
Open and closed.

The baby had died inside his mother.
Never breathed
Never saw
Never cried.
He stayed his whole life
Inside a cocoon;
Now he’ll never see
The sky.

I look at the ground,
Focusing on the
Leaf green caterpillar
Crawling along
The baby rests
In his little white box
And all that I can
Think is
“He never even
His wings.”


I am the sky
The ripples in the pond
The color of your half remembered dreams
I am in your eyes
And the bruise on your knee
Hidden by your faded jeans
Birthday cake frosting
And summer days
The crayon you used to scribble out
A waxy horizon
I am soft music
An ink stain
The ocean
The feeling you get when you’ve lost your way
I am pale veins
Bright poison frogs
Loneliness mixed with the sound of rain
I’m a flash of feathered wings
I’m shadows on snow
I’m the cloud in your mind
When there’s nothing
To say

First Post

I'm not good at introductions.

I've been staring at this little white space and trying to come up with an appropriate first post, something that will quickly and effectively give readers a basic idea of WHO I AM and WHY THEY SHOULD CARE ABOUT ANYTHING I'M POSTING HERE, but so far I've got nothing. I guess instead of trying to be witty and memorable I should just give a brief overview of what this blog is so I can get the first post out of the way and go on to what I really want to do.

Basically, I write poems.

I'll probably begin by posting some of my older ones, and then work my way up to posting the new. And since I just like poetry in general, I'm thinking that every now and then I'll post a poem from an outside poet, something that I didn't write but appreciate and think that other people might like too. I'm not looking to get suddenly famous; I realize that posting poetry online can be a bit like shouting into the void, but if I can make even one person happy because of my words, that's all that really matters, right? And besides, it's good practice for me.

Anyway. Yeah. That's what this is. I hope you enjoy. Have a fantastic day.
